Staden - little venice of the Wetterau

Staden coat of arms

Staden greets you warmly!

Staden in the vernacular affectionately „little Venice“ called, is one of six districts of the city Florstadt in the region Wetterau. Florstadt is one of the latest towns in the province Hessen. With his about 1000 habitants of Staden, provided by all around in healthy nature, on the edge of the area of concentration Frankfurt, in the heart of the region Wetterau. Because of his many bridges as „Small Venice of the Wetterau“ known, Staden the town right owns since 1304 and was mentioned in 1156 for the first time. It offers to his visitor’s two castles, a matching park, and a mineral spring, a roofed “sigh bridge” built on wooden posts and many old, attractive half-timbered houses.


Masters Garden

Masters Garden with spring

The Masters Garden at whose end the mineral spring lays loads to stay and rest one. In the healthy mineral spring the thirst can be satisfied.


Stadener-park and the Löwsche castle

Loewsche Castle Staden

The Stadener-park, all around the Löwsche castle whose foundation-stone laid in 1746 Johann Friedrich Ferdinand von Löw donates rest and leisureliness, in the midst of old park trees.

The Löwsche castle is meanwhile in private property and is used partly as a dwelling house and town house of the commune.

In the park take place every year festivals see and events with live music.

Stadener Park with play field#

Castle Ysenburg

Castle Ysenburg

Idyllic in the local core the situated from whom Lords of the “castle Garben” in the 16th century-established Renaissance castle Ysenburg is on the area of the former water castle. From the water castle in the city Staden are only isolated rests of the military arrangement, as well as receive two towers. In the today's, in private property located „castle Ysenburg“ is pursued a hotel with restaurant. The castle is a popular destination in the region Wetterau.


Sight Bridge

Sight Bridge Staden

Small Venice of the region Wetterau has to offer also an own “sigh bridge”. It was built in 1684 on wooden posts over the river Mühlbach and was redeveloped in 1991. The bridge is completely built over with a framework. In the middle there is a small pavilion which was roofed with a fair and beautiful bonnet. One supposes that the built over bridge was once a summer house manorial. Today the whole building is in private property.

The intregral nature reserve “Mähried” invites to last and restful walks and offers to rest looking rest and relaxation. The Mähried is one of four nature reserves in the dale “Nidatal” a part of the region Wetterau. The meadows of the river “Nidda” offer a living space to many animal species and botanical species. Typical inhabitants are the white stork, the common snipe and the kingfisher.

nature reserve Mähried Staden

You reach all places of Staden interest within less walking minutes from the pension Silke.
